Which one is Genuine Leather?

Most of our customers will ask, ‘Is this leather?’ Let us share some of our knowledge, simple ways to differentiate genuine leather.

Here are the 5 simple ways to test to ensure it’s a leather bags

1. Smell

It sounds weird and funny to ask people to smell the leather. It is the easiest (but least reliable) way. However the most reliable way to check it is to perform chemical tests in a laboratory.

2. Load test

The inspector loads the leather bag with same weights (depending on the size between 4 and 5 kg).

3. Water test

By dripping a small amount of water on the leather sample attached. 
Water will penetrate leather when contact with water whereas finished leather will take some time to penetrate the water. Remember do not dry leather under the sun as it will cry when gets too dry.


4. Natural Marking

All leather comes with natural marking just like us, human. Most common markings are insect bites, backbone marking, grain, stretch marks or even scars. We have poster on the marking of leather, you may want to take a look when you drop by our outlets. 



5. Feel

Feel is just like feeling if its real or counterfeit notes. Leather is the same too! When feeling both the synthetic and genuine leather, you can feel the different there is differences between both material.